
Hussain, I really loved this post! It reveals how thoughtfully and strategically you approach all the major challenges in your life — which in turn explains how you’ve already managed to come so far since arriving in Aotearoa New Zealand just over 6 months ago. Kia kaha!

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Thanks Helen, that's one of the biggest things my life in Indonesia taught me.

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Jun 14Liked by Hussain Shah Rezaie

That was a beautiful piece of writing thank you Hussain. It should be read by all students preparing for an exam! Good luck with the results and going forward! 💐💐👌👌

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Thanks Insull for your warm comment. It can be a helpful approach going for exam.

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Jun 14Liked by Hussain Shah Rezaie

Exam happy face. I love it. On the surface a beautifully counterintuitive approach, but actually what a great (and sensible) way to prepare for an event like this. I'm sharing this with Tilly (she has some mock exams coming up).

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Jun 15Liked by Hussain Shah Rezaie

I wish I had thought of your approach for exams over forty five years ago! Entirely agree with Insull, all students preparing for an exam should read the ‘HSR approach’.

Best of luck for the results you seek and deserve.

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Thanks Rowan, that's humbling to hear, I should have mentioned that there's a lot to improve for the next exam.

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Jun 17Liked by Hussain Shah Rezaie

The thoughtful self-care you practiced in preparing your happy face is a vital foundation for helping others prepare their happy faces.

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Thanks Marta ✨

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Hussain Shah Rezaie

It took me a long time to learn how to prepare for exams that well!

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I would love to know some of your preparation tips, Stephanie 😁

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Jun 17Liked by Hussain Shah Rezaie

Unfortunately they were not as refined as yours. The main thing was learning to keep up with the work during the semester. Then the night before the exam have a nice dinner and a couple of high quality beers and go to bed at the right time for a good night of sleep!

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Thanks Stephanie for sharing it ✨

I should add beer to that as well:) Though, I had beers two nights in a row with friends afterwards.

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Thanks James, I hope it helps Tilly with her mock exam. Looking forward to our chat next week.

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What a wise, reflective, well rounded approach Hussain! I do hope that it bears the fruit you seek.

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